Digital Transformation according to your needs

Whether it's an on-premise enterprise or a Platform-as-a-Service solution, DECIDE is the engine of your digital transformation, meeting all the requirements you need to stay ahead of the competition today and tomorrow.

DECIDE Risk: Recognizing and controlling risks

DECIDE provides powerful and active risk management that will help you sustain your success. At any time you do have an overview of risks and risk drivers in aggregated form throughout the company in real time as well as actively monitor and control your exposure.

Best in Case: Expertise and Innovation

Foconis Trading GmbH stands for comprehensive know-how and expertise in financial markets. Optimize your existing solutions and processes/workflows in the capital market area by utilizing new and modern technologies (Blockchain, DLT, AI, etc.) and standardized solutions tailored to your requirements.

Bank, broker and exchange

DECIDE of Foconis Trading is one of the leading platforms for implementation of highly automated capital market processes. It supports your end-to-end process chain from pre- to post-trading. Innovative and scalable, the integrative platform enabling the digital transformation of your company.

The modern End-to-End solution for the Capital Market

Promote sustainable growth, minimize company-wide exposure,
basis for the digital transformation

Capital markets are undergoing rapid change as new economic, technological, and regulatory requirements come up, e.g.

  • Changes in client behavior and the urgency of the digital transformation in all areas and processes increase complexity in conception, planning, and implementation.
  • Necessary and urgent changes are made more difficult by silo solutions evolved over years and fragmented processes.

DECIDE from Foconis Trading

  • offers flexible and modular architecture, providing solutions for banks, brokers, and exchanges,
  • enables standardized solutions, optimizes and harmonizes the processes you need for your strategic direction and business objectives,
  • supports you as a basis for digital transformation and allows easy integration of fintech solutions based on standards.

Foconis Trading GmbH is synonymous with best-in-case expertise, solutions development, and consistent utilization of new technologies.

Our comprehensive technical know-how and over 1500 person-years of combined experience in financial markets assist you in increasing the competitiveness of your products and solutions on the market and enabling business growth.

With DECIDE you'll succeed in financial markets and stay ahead of the competition

Capital market-as-a-service

  • DECIDE – process platform as SaaS solution
  • Economic effectiveness and efficiency through a lean application architecture
  • Short term available by cloud sourcing
  • Small footprint – benefits of resource sharing and scalability
  • High flexibility – modules, functions and volumes in line with your needs
  • High availability, low latency, and conformity with regulations (incl. Art.25b KWG)

All-in-One e2e Standard Solution

  • Multi-client solution – capable for complete and/or partial implementation
  • Easy integration into existing system and process environments
  • Standardized solution, configurable to your requirements

Digital transformation

  • Demand-oriented focus and flexible implementation
  • Rapid customization of systems and processes according to customer and market requirements
  • Comprehensive, easily configurable and scalable software platform and module library

Design innovative banking processes

  • Open up online sales channels
  • Optimize time-to-market
  • Strategy vs. margin pressure, product innovations
  • Make best use of innovative concepts and technologies
  • Integrate fintech solutions efficiently and profitably

Risk minimization

  • Through performance, scalability and high availability
  • Low-latency solution for realtime transactions (MIFID II Best-Ex)
  • Company-wide risk and position management

Optimized process flows

  • Optimize operating (RTB) costs with end-to-end straight-through processing
  • Financial market processes with little or no human intervention
  • Product innovations and fintech solution integration with minimum resources and budget expenditure (CTB)
  • Supports demand-based tailored/ part-solutions via SaaS

DECIDE – the platform for the competition of the future

Promoting long-term growth, driving digital transformation

Current circumstances and constantly changing customer behaviors with the resulting market demands are piling pressure onto companies to align their strategies accordingly. Continued margin pressure requires flexible adjustment of business operations with innovative products, services, and optimized processes. The markets’ increasing regulatory demands are likewise forcing companies to comply while minimizing the expense and effort involved.

This results in demands facing solutions, services, and system landscapes – and this is where DECIDE can provide extensive support with implementation.

Implement low-touch processes

  • Financial market processes with little or no human intervention
  • Focus and HR deployment in value-added processes like qualitative customer advice

Easy integration of fintech apps and innovations

  • Centralized adapter for fintech apps, realtime, and bidirectional
  • Communication standards including REST, Websocket


Establish and expand new sales channels

  • Standardized connection of online/mobile devices (iPad, smartphone/ APS) using centralized solutions and adapters
  • Realtime support for an array of front end functions like orders, order books, client positions, risk overviews, etc.

Create innovative financial instruments/products

  • Define and implement new financial instruments (e.g. sustainable products) parametrically (no code change)

Adapt SaaS/cloud computing

  • Tailor service packages to your company’s needs: technical operation, or flexible definition and implementation of further semantic services
  • Integrate modules and functions into existing solution/system landscapes fast and with low cost and effort (budget, resources)

Manage technical and regulatory change

  • By using DECIDE as your standard software, you can optimize projects for the introduction of new technical and regulatory standards
  • Optimize change-the-bank budgets by implicit distribution of development costs

With our standardized technology and solution platform DECIDE as a basis, we want to be the common solution platform and driver for the required digital transformation in all business areas of our customers. Concepts, such as Capital Market-as-a-Service are not scenarios belonging to the distant future, but are already existing as best-in-case solutions for the financial industry.

Matthias Löffler
Managing Director, Foconis Trading GmbH

The End-to-End Platform for Securities Trading

Flexible, individual, tailored to customer needs

DECIDE covers the trade life cycle in capital markets for retail and professional securities trading completely. It covers transaction capturing via trading desktops or interfaces to existing solutions, through order and risk management up to portfolio management and financial accounting. With DECIDE you can simulate stress scenarios throughout the company and calculate credit, market and liquidity risks in line with Basel II & III as well as include them directly in decision-making processes. Everything comes from a single source or solution and enables the optimization of your trading solutions and processes for securities trading. This supports your positioning in the increasingly fierce competition at the top.

Learn more

Complementary DECIDE capital market solutions

Further standalone applications and add-ons based on DECIDE technology

Exchange is a comprehensive and highperformance exchange platform for both cash instruments and warrants/certificates. It provides multi-instance support for multiple market segments with high order book volumes. DECIDE/Exchange has a long track record of proven success.


With DECIDE process and technology components combined with Foconis Trading’s expertise, further solutions such as a platform for systematic internalization of order flows can be created with minimum time to market.

Based on DECIDE Frontend with blockchain components, Foconis Trading and its partner company Ponton have developed a peer-to-peer trading platform for trading cash instruments on the energy market. The platform was successfully tested in a PoC phase with 40 energy trading companies and placed into operation.


With DECIDE process and technology components combined with Foconis Trading’s expertise, further solutions such as a platform for systematic internalization of order flows can be created with minimum time to market.

Entering new client and market sectors with web front ends: trading and margining of global exchange-traded derivate contracts are supported by a convenient web front end as an add-on to the DECIDE process platform, with end-to-end realtime functionality. The main target group comprises professional corporate and retail clients.


With DECIDE process and technology components combined with Foconis Trading’s expertise, further solutions such as a platform for systematic internalization of order flows can be created with minimum time to market.

How to contact us

What special requirements do you have for your future-oriented capital market solutions and processes?
Talk to us – we'll show you how DECIDE can help.

Phone: +49 40 237 245 00
or use our contact form